Wintertime Transmission Issues To Be Aware Of

Most motorists are aware of the fact that cold weather can be hard on a vehicle. However, many are under the assumption that cold weather affects mainly the engine. In fact, low temperatures can also have a negative impact on the operation of a vehicle's transmission. The following are four potential wintertime transmission problems to look out for and avoid in the coming months: The thickening of transmission fluid Cold weather can make transmission fluid get thicker so that it flows through the radiator, cooling circuit and flow directional valve more slowly. Read More 

How To Get Cheaper New Tires

Paying for new tires on your car can be expensive. The average new all-season tires cost between $80 and $150, and the cost typically includes the removal of your old tires and the putting on and balancing of your new ones. if you want to pay less for your new tires, there are a few ways you can accomplish this. Here are a few ways you can get new tires for cheap. Read More 

Three Ways The Type Of Oil You Use Can Affect Your Oil Changing Interval

Though many of us still have a firmly ingrained opinion that we should change our engine oil every 3,000 miles, the interval is actually much more flexible and can change depending on the circumstances involved. The type of vehicle, driving environment, and oil type can all have a big impact on how fast the oil degrades. Here are three ways the oil type can affect the interval needed. 1. Viscosity Read More 

Spotting Worn Struts: Signs Every Car Owner Should Know

If you aren't experienced dealing with cars that have worn struts, you might miss the warning signs of wear and tear on your car's struts. Knowing the signs and symptoms of worn struts make it easier for you to spot problems before the suspension is damaged. Here are some steps you can take to determine how worn your car's struts might be. Bouncing the Suspension Park your car somewhere so that it is level. Read More 

4 Signs Your Tires Need To Be Rotated

Car tires will wear down over time due to friction with the road. The more worn your tires become, the worse they will perform. However, because the rear tires do not turn, and the weight of a vehicle is distributed differently between the front and rear, front and rear tires will wear in different places at different rates. This means that switching your rear tires to the front and the front tires to the rear can improve the performance of your vehicle and allow for even wear, increasing the lifespan of your tires. Read More